Peacefest performer Louis Volare, (aka Louis Landon) has posed a challenge to his SL friends, and real live cohorts by offering a daily free download of a brand new performance, a daily improv, for those of us who wish the war in Iraq to end. In the name of peace, he plays for us freely, every day. All he asks is that we share this gift with as many people as possible.

Peace Revolution

HIs music is so powerful it has brought me to tears….on more than one occasion. Here are his words on his gift to world peace:

  • I have decided to add a new improv to my MySpace page every day until the war in Iraq is over and our troops come home. It will be a free download. When possible, I will have a very short concert at the Peace Revolution! Center and will perform the improv that I will post at 9 pm SLT. If you take advantage of the free download, all I ask in return is that you e-mail the music out to as many people as possible and that you ask them to pray for peace. Together we can change the world.
    Love and Peace Always and Everywhere,
    Louis Volare aka Louis Landon

Go there now and spread the word!